Fortified Homes

Carriers are rewarding customers with discounts for building and renovating homes to be more structurally sound – and these building standards make a significant difference in a storm. According to, “FORTIFIED can be affordable at every price point and uses a unique systems-based method for creating stronger, safer homes. The Fortified Home Program employs an incremental approach toward making new and existing homes more resistant to damage from hurricanes, tropical storms, hailstorms, high winds and wind-driven rain associated with thunderstorms. With three levels of FORTIFIED Home™ designation available – Bronze, Silver and Gold – builders can work with homeowners to choose a desired level of protection that best suits their budgets and resilience goals.”

The links below provide downloadable fact sheets explaining in greater detail FORTIFIED Homes in Alabama:


FORTIFIED Homes for Existing Structures

FORTIFIED Homes for New Homes